
Infrared light, also known as infrared rays, is the result of a scientific experiment by a famous foreign scientist called Herschel. He discovered that there is a magical light beyond the visible light of the sun, which cannot be seen by the human eye, but its physical properties are similar to those of visible light, with obvious thermal radiation. Its wavelength is 0.75-1000μm, and it is an electromagnetic wave with a frequency between microwave and visible light. It is called infrared because it is on the outer side of the red light in the spectrum. Also, according to the wavelength, it can be divided into near-infrared, mid-infrared, and far-infrared, of which there is nothing more amazing than far-infrared. Far infrared ray has strong penetration and radiation power and has significant temperature control effect and resonance effect. It is easily absorbed by the object and converted into the internal energy of the object. Several decades ago, space scientists investigated the human survival conditions in the vacuum, weightlessness, ultra-low temperature, and overload state of the spacecraft, and learned that the far infrared ray with a wavelength of 5~14μm in sunlight is an essential factor for biological survival. Therefore, people call this wavelength of far-infrared light "life light wave". This wavelength of light is similar to the wavelength of far-infrared rays emitted by the human body. When far-infrared rays are absorbed by the human body, they can produce the most effective "resonance" with the water molecules in the body cells, which activates the water molecules and enhances their bonding force, thus activating biological macromolecules such as proteins and making the human cells at the highest vibration energy level. Due to the resonance effect of biological cells, the far infrared heat can be transferred to the deeper subcutaneous part of the human body, and the temperature of the deep subcutaneous layer rises and the resulting warmth is distributed from the inside out. The intensity of this effect makes capillaries expand, promotes blood circulation, strengthens the metabolism between tissues, increases the regenerative capacity of tissues, improves the immunity of the body, and regulates the abnormal excitement state of the spirit, thus playing a role in health care. FIR emitting ceramics and fabrics FIR emitting ceramics have been known for some time. All ceramics have the property of emitting IR radiation depending on their temperature. Small particles (nanoparticles and microparticles) of FIR-emitting ceramic material have been incorporated into fibers that are then woven into fabrics. These fabrics can be manufactured into various garments that can be worn on different parts of the body. The CiM (ceramic gel injection molding process) far-infrared ceramic material developed by Professor Yang Jinlong of Tsinghua University can be made into micro-beads with a diameter of 2-3mm, adding these micro-beads into blankets or quilts can effectively bring into play the health effects of life light waves on the human body while using the weight of the ceramic micro-beads themselves, they can also be made into a weighted blanket supported by life light waves. The effect of a weighted blanket is well known. It can improve proprioceptive processing for increased balance, improve body/spatial awareness, improve coordination, improve sleep, increase focus/attention, and decrease anxiety/stress. Life light waves combined with deep touch pressure can help people gain exponential health benefits. Discs and garments manufactured of FIR emitting ceramic material have been applied to the human body. For instance, a blanket containing discs has been reported to improve the quality of sleep and single discs were applied to the breasts of women who encountered difficulty in producing sufficient breast milk during lactation. Gloves have been made out of FIR emitting fabrics and there have been reports that these gloves can be used to treat arthritis of the hands and Raynaud’s syndrome. Belts made out of these fabrics have been used for weight reduction. In one study, Conrado and Munin investigated whether the use of a garment made with synthetic fibers embedded with powdered ceramic led to a reduction in body measurements. The experimental data showed a reduction in body measurements, which may be a consequence of an increment in microcirculation and peripheral blood flow, and these changes might promote improved general health. A belt containing FIR-emitting sericite mineral (a fine grained mica) was used to study the relief of menstrual pain. In their recent clinical study, Liau et al. looked into the benefits of using an FIR emitting belt for managing the discomfort of primary dysmenorrhea in female patients. Taking into account several parameters, such as body temperature, abdominal blood flow, pain assessment, and heart rate variability, they showed that FIR belts used increased the local surface body temperature as well as the abdominal blood flow; in addition to reducing the pain and the discomfort from it. FIR saunas In these cabins, the heating elements are typically heated to about 300– 400° C and the emission is in the FIR range, that is, the heat exchange between the body and the environment is almost purely radiative (radiant heating) with cabin air temperature being at around 40°C or less. Heating of the skin with FIR warming cabins is faster (in comparison with the conventional saunas) but higher irradiance of the skin must be applied in order to produce noticeable sweating. These cabins are frequently used in Japan where the practice is called “Waon therapy”. Waon therapy has been used extensively in Japan and Korea for cardiovascular conditions and diseases, particularly chronic heart failure and peripheral arterial disease. FIR sauna therapy has been used to improve cardiac and vascular function and reduce oxidative stress in patients with chronic heart failure. Beever asked whether FIR saunas could have a beneficial effect on quality of life in those patients with type II diabetes. The study consisted of 20 min, three times weekly infrared sauna sessions, over a period of 3 months. Physical health, general health, social functioning indices, and visual analogue scales (VAS) measurements for stress and fatigue all improved in the treatment group. A study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis showed a reduction in pain, stiffness, and fatigue during infrared sauna therapy. FIR heat lamps There have been a few laboratory studies that have reported the biological effects of FIR. A summary of the results of these studies indicated that after constant exposure to FIR, wound healing was significantly quickened and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 expressing myofibroblasts and collagen content were increased. FIR irradiation may be used as an effective medical treatment avenue for some cancer cells which have low levels of HSP70. FIR ray devices A report from Hu and Li describes the treatment of allergic rhinitis. During the period of FIR therapy, the symptoms of eye itching, nasal itching, nasal stuffiness, rhinorrhea, and sneezing were all significantly improved. Smell impairment was improved after the last treatment. Hausswirth et al. showed that FIR therapy reduced symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage in athletes after a simulated trail running race. The ideas in the text are taken from the paper: Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications; Exploring the Safety and Therapeutic Effects of Deep Pressure Stimulation Using a Weighted Blanket